Monday, November 30, 2009

One Night in November...

Our very first shopping night happened last Thursday and it was brilliant!
Bringing together six Hackney businesses - Share the Feeling, byGraziela, Covet, Studio Special, Liv & Love, Rose Red and Blue - it was a veritable shopping extravaganza. 100 lovely guests - including all of the Chain Gang - quaffed champers, scoffed cupcakes (recipe coming soon!) and stocked up on Christmas gifts. Here's some pics...

Doris, Magda, Lindy and Mary get stuck in

They're floating in the air...
So many shoppers!

Thanks a million to all our lovely supporters. I didn't put an invite up here, coz we were all a bit worried about numbers. Next time though, it'll be an open invitation - the more the merrier!

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