Wednesday, October 21, 2009

@Little Gifts of Tricks 'n' Treats...

Busy busy busy today preparing to upload our Halloween Gifts to the website.  They'll be available to buy online tomorrow, but here's a sneak preview for our blog fans...
Little Gifts of Tricks 'n' Treats are handmade by the Chain Gang right here in the attic in Hackney and contain...

  • a moon and stars - when they're out it's time...
  • a party popper - to let the fun begin!
  • a jack o' lantern - spoooooky
  • a scary monster - he's looking for you...
  • a hug - just in case you get scared
  • a trick and some treats - happy Halloween xx

These are the first bags we've made that are suitable for kids - a cute alternative when the spooky troops come a knockin'!

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