Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Doris's First Diary...

Hello my name is Doris.  Nice to meet you!
Today we made lavender wheat bags. They smell really good. And they are colourful.
We are going to a craft fair. It's called WE MAKE LONDON and it's on Saturday, June 26th, in the Town Hall, King's Road, Chelsea. Very posh! 
This is me, filling the bags with lavender and wheat.
Here's Maureen, she's a whizz on the sewing machine. She joined Share the Feeling 3 weeks ago and you'll hear more from her soon...
The covers are going to be really colourful...
 This is me again. Modelling the bags. Everyone says I'm a natural!

We'd love to see you at the fair! Come and say hello. Until next time, take care,
Doris x

1 comment:

  1. Wow Doris - not only are brilliant at making lavender bags you are pretty good at blogging too!

    I hope you will make me a lavender bag as I need loads of sleep and rest and they would help alot!

    Hope to see you soon again

