Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Love is in the air...

Lindy loves red. Doris likes blue. Sylvia's sweet. And so are you... 

Apologies for our inexcusably bad attempt at poetry. It's all the love in the air...
We're making ©Little Gifts of Love for Valentines. Who'll get yours?

Start with a rose and a chocolate kiss...

A marble, a pearl, a smile, love hearts - don't miss!

Wrap it all up... 

and seal it just so.

That's one ©Little Gift of Love all ready to go...
Available now from Liberty of London and online at www.sharethefeeling.co.uk

1 comment:

  1. Loving your valentine day gifts!!!
    Say hello to all the chain gang!
    Lots of valentines love Siobhan
